G's Chapters
A few weeks ago, a friend of mine brought a large cake to school, I forget exactly why, but he wanted to give it to all his classmates. But, unfortunately, some of his idiot friends hijacked the cake box and ate up most of the cake. I mean, seriously, one was even licking the damn box!
I would just like to say, I wish that people like those would just learn a bit of control and stop being so selfish. I mean, why should the many be at an disadvantage just to satisfy the greeds of a few?
I would just like you all to retweet this so that many people can read this… You don’t have to like this ,you don’t have to follow me, just retweet, so that this message reaches a lot of people:
“Please stop being so greedy. I would like to quote a certain eminent personality here,
"The World has plenty for everybody’s needs. However, it has not enough for anybody’s greed.”
Please just think of the others who might also make use of a service or thing befor you suck it dry… “
I would just like to leave you with this statement I saw in a book:
"True bravery does not have to be charging at the forefront of a battle. A boy who, seeing there is not enough pie to go around, says that he doesn’t like pie, is braver than the bravest of soldiers.”
Religion 1
This world of ours is a funny place, and the people that reside on its surface even funnier, at times. For example the whole creationism vs evolution thing.
Why does the Theory of Evolution explicitly negate the presence (role) of God? He could very well have been the Catalyst that kickstarted the entire process. After all, He is God Almighty. He could very well have created the Spark that forced the Primordial Soup to bubble, froth, spill over, and generally make a colossal mess of things (AKA the Universe).
In fact, He could have Created, in those Seven Days, the Firmament and the Spheres that consist this Universe, and then decided to kick back, relax, and see what He could see. It just so happened that what He could see was the Firmament and the Spheres changing, getting destroyed, reconstructed, and mutating constantly. One of those mutations happened to catch His eye, and He decided to keep it. (That mutation was Life, BTW)
Then Life grew, and, as it grew, it became more complex and more, well, Evolved. These Evolutions, also, God like, and on one of His Many inexplicable Whims, He decided to let Life Evolve, and see what He could see.
To those who say that Evolution has no proof, nor does Creationism. Both are simply Theories, put forward by our own, meager intellects to explain this world that we happen to inhabit.
Religion 2
Philosophical again… This time, not related to school.
So, There’s this big debate about whether or not God is within everyone. The side saying God is a separate entity claim that it is sinful to even compare oneself to God, let alone ‘claim’ to be Him. The other side, however, says that, if God is indeed infinite, then He cannot not be a part of you. If He was apart from you, then you would be where he ended. You would be his limit. Ergo, He has an end, ergo, He is Finite. I agree with this side.
Also, It does not make sense for God to not be a part of you. God is you. God is everywhere, makes sense for Him to be in you too. And if He is in you, he is a part of you. Everyone carries a bit of God in them, it is that sliver that gives us our consciences. I mean, if you had no God in you empathizing with the God in others, why would you feel bad about killing? Why would you feel bad about Death? Why would anything ever affect you? In fact, if God isn’t in you, where are you? Please do answer this.