G's Chapters
Chapter 3:
So, where was I? Oh, right. The Two Hundred Gs.
I went back to my home after a short detour at the neighborhood bank branch to drop off that windfall. Meeting Lyria had reminded me of Ephraim, and more to the point, of his Firesword.
Now, a Gensword is the general term given to any short-range weapon – knife; dagger; sword; boxing gloves; what have you – that has been charged – or impregnated would describe it perfectly, actually – with a Gift. I had not really made one, yet, as I preferred simply to incapacitate my enemies using Constructs like Chains, or, failing that, long range moves like Shards.
However, I figured that it would be handy to have a means of self-defense that, unlike the Shields, was more flexible. However, I soon ran into some troubles.
Foremost, my Mana was seemingly so powerful; it forced anything wooden I used to spontaneously combust. Great for dramatic flair, not so great for a weapon.
Second, even metal melted when I tried to fully impregnate the rod. Apparently, the Mana made the material vibrate in ways it wasn’t supposed to. So, I improvised. I created the edges alone, out of Mana, creating thin sheath of sorts around the metal itself. It required next to no concentration, and left me free to make other Constructs.
I just used an aluminum strut, around two feet in length. With the Mana edge, it cut around as well as a carver.
A few days later, school reopened. The day went smoothly enough, for a while. I got to school early, plopped my bag down at my desk, and waited for my Class-In-Charge, Salman, to come in. When he did, however, he was talking to someone outside. He told the other guy to wait outside, and came in.
“Hello, Vidyut! Early again? Glad to see old habits haven’t died across this break you caused.”
“Good morning, sir. Who’s that outside? New transfer?”
“Yes! From East-Central’s Cloudview High. I told her you’d be her guide to our campus, so if you don’t mind –?”
“Sure, sir. I’m free anyway.”
So I went out, and who should I see waiting outside the door, but –
“Lyria. Hi! Welcome to Lionsgate, I guess.”
“Vidyut. Well, if this isn’t a surprise! Hello!”