G's Chapters
Chapter 5:
“What in the world –”
I started walking forward, but soon the corridor dead-ended at a door. Not one of the school doors either, this one was a large, ornate, teak wood construction. I turned the knob and pushed it open, into a dimly lit atrium with a humongous marble statue of a woman in a toga, holding up a glowing jade fireball. The ‘pedestal’ this stood on had another door recessed into it, so I entered that one too. It slammed shut behind me, pulling the same disappearing act the first door had. A cold hand fell on my shoulder from behind me. I leapt back and swung out, clipping the other guy in the jaw.
The dark corridor faded, replaced by the school corridor next to the Chem Lab entrance. In front of me was a young girl in a black frilled frock sitting on the floor, rubbing her jaw.
“And who are you?”
“Well, that’s rude! You hit me! Just wait until my elder sis hears you made me cry, you’ll get the shock of your life, quite literally!”
“Your eyes are dry. I bet that didn’t even hurt you, did it?”
“You’re a meanie.”
“What are you, seven?”
She pouted.
“I’m thirteen, I’ll have you know! I think I should just let you wander the Labyrinth for a while, to punish you for that.”
The dingy corridors started to appear again, but they vanished again. My head started to throb.
“That doesn’t seem to work anymore, does it?”
“But, how?! No one can resist my Labyrinth! How are you still here?!”
“Oh, go away. I’ve got a headache, thanks to you, and I’d rather not have to babysit a thirteen year old. Go play with your sister.”
I turned around and walked into the Lab.
When I got back to class, the girl and Shankar were playing a game of naughts and crosses. Lyria looked up at me, grinning.
“How’d you get Lucy’s Labyrinth to stop affecting you?”
“I don’t know. Thinking too much about it just gives me a headache.”
“Well, it’s a good thing she’s met someone who has a stronger Gift than she does. That much power in such a young girl, it was going to her head. Thanks!”
“I wish I knew how I did it, though. Ah well.”
The period bell rang, and Lucy got up and left.
“Where does she study, anyway?”
“She’s being tutored at the Adonai dorms. I came here for higher education.”
The physics professor came in, then, so we had to stop talking.