G's Chapters
Chapter 7:
I stumbled hazily through a corridor which kept shifting colour. The colours were all gaudy, bright, and nauseating. After what seemed an eternity of walking, I finally reached the door at the end, a flat concrete block with a handle set in it. I opened it with difficulty, and pushed into the room, shutting it behind me. This room was, thankfully, completely concrete grey. No more epileptic flashes of neon colours. I slid down to a sitting position against the wall, fighting against the growing nausea. My vision was beginning to darken, a shadow creeping in from the corners. Suddenly, everything got a green filter, and this shadow with a blue corona stepped into my field of vision.
“Hey, there, Vidyut. You got stung real bad… this poison is icky. I’ll try to get it out as soon as I can.”
He extended his hand out, as if to help me up. I grabbed it and got up, stumbling a bit. I was still woozy.
“There, there. Just walk it off. That door should let you wake up.”
I strode over and pulled the door open. The other side was a featureless white space.
“Go on. Step into the light.”
I stepped through. The door slid shut behind me, and I walked forward into the light. My surroundings faded to black, and I felt my eyes close. When I opened them, I was seated on a throne similar to the one Lucy was on, chained to it hand, foot and chest. Lyria and Shankar were on either side of me, and Lucy was to Shankar’s left. All three were still unconscious, lolling against the chains. A part of the wall slid aside, and a young acolyte stepped in, in the same rust coloured robes. He gasped on seeing me awake, and started to run out. I caught his foot in a Chain, and dragged him back into the room, gagging him to prevent him from calling others. I pulled him into a standing position in front of me.
“yelno opmm!”
Assuming he meant to say ‘Let go of me!’, I just shook my head no. Pulling a bit of Force, I tried breaking out of the chains, but got no luck.
“Nemmcmmt beekit.”
“What bee kit?
“Meemcmmt beekit.”
“I can’t break it? Why not?”
“What wind?”
“Oh, they’re warded. You can prevent the Gifts from working?”
“Oh... How’d I manage to grab you, though? Never mind, you can’t answer that in your condition.”
I put a bit more Force into my hands, straining against the chains. After a few minutes of me feeling nothing, the chains suddenly snapped, sending a grey shockwave rippling across the room. The girls both snapped awake as the wave passed them, and the room shimmered, changing into a sterile white tiled structure from the marble and concrete it was before. We weren’t sitting on thrones anymore; we were on dentist’s chairs. The other three were held back by rubber straps, not chains. The boy I had captured was still in the rusty robes, though.
The boy was staring at me, terrified. I heard footsteps running at us, and three older guys ran in. The one in the middle had on a more ornate robe, with ivy green trim. These guys really needed better wardrobe design.
“What’s going on?! Let the acolyte – Aargh!”
Lyria Tazed him, and I shot the other two with Shards, blowing them back out the door. I got out of my chair, and unstrapped her and Lucy. Shankar was just beginning to stir, and I just yanked him out of the chair and held him up.
“Lucy! Open a tunnel out of here!”
A spherical tunnel opened up on the near wall, and the girls ran toward it. I followed a little slowly, still supporting Shankar who was beginning to walk, staring around dazedly.
“Dude, a bit more effort on oyur part would be great!”
“Who – What? Oh, Viddy! Okay, where to?”
We ran into the tunnel, and it closed up behind us. The four of us kept walking, and the tunnel opened up onto a park opposite Lionsgate. The girls parted ways with us here, they headed to the Adonai tower, and me and Shankar to the apartment complex we both called home.